Why homework should not get assigned to students during winter break
Winter break is when students and teachers pause from school activities. Usually, this period is during the Christmas period. When this period of the year is approaching, students count down the days, hours, minutes, and seconds until the time for the winter break clocks. Winter break is when students get relieved from the stress of waking up daily at five-thirty in the morning for them to prepare for school. It is a time where one celebrates and relaxes with friends and family. Students are usually eager for winter breaks because this is also when they indulge themselves with lots of fun. During this period students hardly think about doing homework because there is a lot of relaxing. Many families during this period plan for family trips, which make students rarely think about doing homework, so they usually buy assignment online and keep enjoying the winter break. Some schools are deciding if assigning homework to students during winter breaks is relevant. In my opinion, every student needs to complete rest during this period from all activities in school. Teachers as well do need rest.
Here are the reasons as to why students and teachers need to complete rest during winter breaks:
Winter breaks create a conducive environment for reading.
“When did you read a book just for fun,” ask this question to students in high school and get their feedback. Most of the students will name for you no book at all or mention the name of a book that they read in an elementary school. It is not the reason as to why students prefer their phones to read books. Students have less interest in reading books because books have become something that they do not pursue during their free time, but instead, they have become something that they study in an English class. Teachers of English worldwide should take this chance to encourage their students to read for fun during the winter break and then discuss what they learned about.
There is an increase in creativity and productivity.
During the winter breaks, there is a lot of free time. One can take this opportunity and come up with creative ideas. When one disconnects oneself from the daily activities at school, one can spend time free to find inspiration in the environment around him. These inspirations can be achieved by interacting with friends, cultural traditions, and nature.
A wrong message gets sent about balancing work and life.
When students get assigned homework during the winter break, it communicates to the families and students that their time is not valued. Because this is a time where the students and teachers use to learn new things like cultural traditions when approaching the winter vacation takes time as a teacher to discuss your plans for the holiday with your students, and they can also tell you about their policies.
Less productivity of homework.
We can all agree that families are focusing on how to relax and build relationships during this period. Students will hardly think about homework during this period, so making homework less productive. When students have too much homework, it (homework) loses its effectiveness hence becoming unproductive.
Although homework also helps one way or another, they should not get assigned during winter breaks because this is a time to learn new things outside class.